Working together for a better future for young people
Our Youth Programs
As a youth organisation, our goal is to better the lives of young people in Europe by encouraging them to reach their full potential. Through our youth work, we strive to assist young people in achieving this goal. Young people need opportunities outside of school to have fun with their friends, gain new skills, make positive changes in their communities, and shape the country they live in.
Via our education programmes in coding, digital skills, robotics, and employability, we work with more than 20,000 young people annually. Through our efforts, young people get access to opportunities they otherwise might not have had.
Community youth organisations have served as a crucial safety net and a place where young people can grow in self-assurance, resiliency, and skillfulness throughout our history.
In particular, through the use of technology, our objective is for all young people to grow up healthy, capable of expressing themselves, navigating a satisfying profession, and making a positive contribution to their communities.
Our goal is to encourage and push young people to reach their full potential by helping them build their self-assurance, resiliency, and interpersonal skills.
At our education centres and through our network of neighbourhood youth organisations, we carry out this activity. All young people are a target audience for our efforts, with a special emphasis on those who wouldn’t otherwise have access to the kinds of opportunities we provide.
Also, we assist youth organisations in introducing more young people to cutting-edge skills like coding, programming, robotics, and AI.
We want to encourage both men and women to be confident in both using and developing technology, thus we are especially interested in and focused on getting more young women into the IT business.
If you are interested in one of our youth programs then contact us +353 1 442 8000 or email us [email protected]